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Herbal Granule Formulas

Hello all! I’d like to tell you about a new feature we have going at Earth-Moon, herbal granule formulas. These are individual herbs that dissolve in warm water and can be taken by those who don’t like to take pills. These herbs can be combined for a specific effect tailor made for you!

How it works:

  1. Come in for a 60-minute interview with one of our star herbalists: Cassandra Segal, Bryon Leverman, or Dianne Weaver, LAc

They will ask you about your health and answer any questions you may have. They will also perform pulse and tongue diagnosis to complete an accurate picture of your health.

  1. After the interview, they will compound an herbal granule formula specific to your concerns. These formulas are easy to take and for the most part, inexpensive.

The price varies, but average $15 for a week’s supply! Simply add to some warm water and drink! Easy!

  1. Return for a follow-up in one week to see how it’s working. The formula may be adjusted in amount or by ingredient to make sure we are moving in the right direction.

Some of the main conditions We treat with these granule formulas include: fatigue, weight gain, neck/shoulder/back pain, tension, digestive problems, allergies, asthma, diarrhea, colds and flu. The herbs can also be given to children and added to some foods to help them along.

You, too, can experience the wide range of benefits using these herbal formulas that cannot be found at your local health stores. These herbs come from a long history of use and have proven their worth over thousands of years! Many of us seek to supplement our diets and lifestyles with various products but may not have all the information we need to make them as effective as possible. Seeking expert help can get us to our health goals quicker and set us on a better path to healing. Our unique approach is becoming more sought after every day and the herbs we use are powerful yet safe and effective, but only found here.

Come in and see how we can help you with your health goals today!

We do take most insurance!

Cost of herbal formulas (average $15) are not covered by insurance.

Other formulas and supplements are available and may be recommended.

Out of pocket price for Consult: 1st visit: $99.75

Out of pocket price for Follow-up Consult: $56.25

It’s Tea Time!

We have it! You need it! Come get it!

That’s right folks, we just received our herbal tea line and it is amazing. Why? Because now you have access to some of the most powerful herbs in the world in the convenience of warm mug. These teas combine the finest of Chinese herbs to address a whole host of health concerns.

Here’s the list:

  • Blood Pressure Tea
  • Cholesterol Health Tea
  • Clear & Smooth Skin Tea
  • Hair Regrowth Tea
  • Healthy Eyes Tea
  • Sugar Level Tea
  • Reishi Liver Health Tea (my fav!)
  • Lung Soother Tea
  • Horny Goat Tea (yes, you read that right)
  • Daily Immunity Tea
  • Detox Master Tea
  • Absolute Rhodiola Tea

We are excited to offer these teas to our community because many of these ingredients are rare and powerful. Most folks have never heard of them and thanks to our herbal team we can bring them to you at a very affordable cost of only $8. These herbs are highly revered in Chinese Medicine and have been for thousands of years. Based on traditional Chinese herbal medicine, they go beyond mint and chamomile to offer healing benefits you can feel! Naturally Caffeine Free, Gluten Free, Non-GMO Project Verified, No Artificial Flavoring, and No Preservatives.


Colds, Coughs, Flu’s Oh My!



Well folks,

It’s Fall again and that means our energy begins to turn inward preparing for the restful Winter. For some of us the work slows down, some are busy with school, and some of us continue along at our natural pace. Holidays loom in the future.

We may welcome the cool air and even rain to relieve us from the heat of Summer.

No matter where we are in this time of change, we all must guard our health to prevent illness from setting in.


An old Chinese saying notes “a thousand diseases are carried on the wind”.

As our kids go back to school and inevitably bring home with them various versions of colds, coughs, and flu.


The Chinese herbal formulas have helped during this season for thousands of years and have fine-tuned natural ways to keep us healthy using plants and herbs.


Many of us seek vitamins and minerals for daily support and over-the-counter medicines when we or our kids get sick.

While a good daily vitamin is helpful, the modern commercial medicine is aimed at covering up symptoms not focused on preventing and eliminating the various bugs which has an overall stronger effect on our health.

Many folks reach for the syrups, vapor-rubs, and pills after the illness has taken hold, or, return to work before the illness has completely left our body thus leaving us with a lingering symptom.

Another approach modern people use is to build up or strengthen their “Immune System” by overloading their body with many compounds, at which our digestive system is completely puzzled by.


Many of these compounds are expensive and go undigested.

The Chinese herbal formulas are well-crafted and oh-so time tested to naturally relieve symptoms, eliminate pathogens, and restore our vitality, without side-effects.


So, some colds and flus are different and affect us in different ways, here’s a quick guide to what we can do:


If you have more chills or can’t get warm, we use Gui Zhi Wan (a cinnamon based formula)


If you have more fever, sore throat, and sweating, we use a Heat-Clearing formula like

Yin Chiao San (a mint-based formula). Take this one as soon as you feel sick, don’t wait!


If your sinuses are the real problem, we use herbal formulas the unblock the nose like Nasal Tabs (our #1 seller). This formula has Thyme and Eucalyptus combined with other powerful Chinese herbs to get you breathing better fast! Xanthium Relieve Surface will help with more feverish signs.


If the bugs hit your stomach, Quiet Digestion is the best around for this! In China it is known as Curing Pills, a name earned by its effectiveness.


If the worst is the headache, Head-Q are the herbs we use to alleviate pain and clear out the sinuses.


If the cough has set in or just won’t go away, Clear Air is designed to relieve and resolve.


Some folks just can’t seem to get rid of that cold, taking weeks or even months to go away. Let’s use a tonifying formula to strengthen your system to push out illness faster and without side-effects. Astra Isatis and Astra-C are great tools to rebuild, recover, and restore!


Many of these formulas are great for kids too! Easy to swallow or crushable.

Come in today and ask our herbalist, Bryon Leverman LAc,  about ways to keep your children and loved ones healthy this season!


Acupuncture and Allergies


It is that time of year again~ or did it never end? Allergy season is back for some and never left for others. Between mold and filbert pollens in the winter and spring flowers and trees blooming now, people are starting to get hit hard by allergies. Did you know Chinese Medicine can help reduce your allergic symptoms and help make you less susceptible to allergic attacks in the future? Whether your allergies hit you in the nose and face, or skin and chest, we’ve got natural solutions to help you recover and help to prevent allergies. Chinese herbs and acupuncture are great resources to help you enjoy Springtime and not dread it.


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