- Earth-Moon Acupuncture
info.earthmoon@gmail.com2365 Grear St NE
Salem, OR 97301Phone: 971-273-7177
Fax: 971-273-6658 -
Office Hours
Mon9-5Tue9-5Wed9-5Thu9-5Fri9-5Sat9-1SunclosedOPEN SATURDAYS!
Massage Availability Hours
Online Store:
Sound Healing and Prayer of the Heart Meditation
September 21st, October 19th, November 16th, December 21st, 2024 1-3pm. We will begin with some Qi Gong, followed by a Chakra Singing Bowl Meditation and lead into a guided Prayer of the Heart Meditation that connects us to the Earth, Cosmos, and our own Hearts.
Call or email to reserve your spot. RSVP is required. The program is a free community offering.