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Lissy Silagyi

Patient Relations


Lissy believes that what we put into our bodies is important. It can have an impadct on more than just our bodies–it can impact our mind and spirit, too. Working at Earth-Moon Acupunture and Massage has, through exposure to Chinese Herbal Medicine and other holistic nutrition practices, gifted Lissy with the opportunity to learn and study more about our bodies, as well as everything which can affect them.

Fun Fact

Lissy’s favorite word is one she saw in in an old picture kept by her Hungarian great-grandparents. The word: Vigyazz. It’s an Hungarian word meaning “Beware.” Lissy also has a favorite animal, although it’s not a cat, dog, or a tortoise. It’s the adorable sloth!. So, Vigyazz the Adorable Sloth!

Andi Beck

Referrals Specialist


Andi believes that healthy living is a community effort. And, while it takes a tremendous amount of personal responsibility, it also cannot be done completely alone. Working at Earth-Moon Acupuncture and Massage helps her be a part of the health and wellness community by helping others access the massage care and acupuncture treatments we offer, which she finds super fulfilling. Additionally, Andi has noticed her own health and well-being have improved since starting work here through recieving those same treatments she helps others connect to.

Fun Fact

When Andi was 5, she was pretty sure she’d grow up to be movie star. Outside of Earth-Moon, she just so happens to be a muscian–so, her guess was pretty close!

Roy Aguilar Jr

Billing Manager


After checking off sleep, a balanced diet, and exercise, Roy feels that surrounding yourself with good people and being open to new and exciting experiences allows for a healthy life. Having recently just moved to Salem from Texas, Roy was a little nervous with his career change. However, to his relief, joining the team here at Earth-Moon Acupuncture and Massage has been a blessing for him. The warm and welcoming environment he found here makes his job a breeze, and he feels a sense of accomplishment that his grain-of-sand is helping Earth-Moon make a significant difference in the community through offering alternative healing. 

Fun Fact

Cats, Dogs, or Tortoises? For Roy, it’s cats, dogs, and, tortoises. Roy and his wife are animal lovers and have kept both furry and scaley critters alike. At the moment, they have Layla the Pitbull, Nova the Beagle, and Lilo the Red-Footed Tortoise. Roy’s long-term pet goal is to have an African Grey Parrot!

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